Somehow, I was doing well with stitching but not with blogging for a long time, but the past two months or so there has been not much stitching either.
BUT! Today I randomly fired up Google Reader--which is sunsetting in just days *pours one out for Reader*--only to see this item headlining my updates--New Prairie Schoolers!
These may be the three sweetest words I know--New... Prairie... Schoolers...
And they are GREAT this time. Right? RIGHT? What do you think of them? You think they are great, right? ALL of them! Which has never really happened for me.
Somehow, I like New PS Release even better than Market. I know! Crazy! But, somehow it became that way.
Why are they great?
• Shocked moon AND cracked-open orangey-lit door on brick house in the Mini Card!
• Another Halloween Yearly Santa-sized card--with Prim Needle/BoAF-ish cats!
• Lg. Halloween pattern: contains a small with wonderful kiddie revelers.
• Christmas Ornaments: Wonderful Euro-Swedish theme--is that a Dala horse I see!?!?
• This year's Santa: Now with Jaunty Boots, and CLOCKS! Even a Cuckoo clock!! (I have a thing for clocks. And Candles. Taper candles. With the little ring to hold using your finger. I'm not, however, drawing a hard line on sentences with verbs today.)
I can't discern what those documents he is carrying are, though...
• Boo Moon: Okay, this MAY be the weak entry with some same-y items in comparison to past releases, but I think I'm digging the orange moon with Halloween Town skyline.
• Happy Christmas: The title. Also, "tiny long-coated Santa approaching house" ornament. :D
SO wanting these; but wondering if I have even remotely sufficient mojo!
Photos, Go!
I love baskets. And Roof-lurking cats. So, I added one. (I don't see this piece suffering that charted bird's loss...)
I made pincushion for use with my sewing machine/quilting during the Christmas season, while I was making gifts. The backing is a crisp blue seersucker.
A friend's moving family suddenly had an extra swing machine. It's all mechanical and about 30x better than my 3 y.o. Kenmore. Now, if only I could coax it to wind thread!
I continued piecing that quilt top--rather home stretch.
I rather like my workspace; yay drape-y quilt top! The iron was a birthday gift (November) from a dear friend. It's one of Panasonic's cordless models. I love Panasonic home goods, but it could be hotter. I adore the maneuverability.
Blue, blue tiles!
St. Valentine's Day
A house with vines
A cast-iron teapot souvenir/birthday gift from Mariage Frères. The cord was a christmas gift. It was intended as a bracelet, but I do enjoy it as display dressing here. :)
A wild hair seized me and I decided just before New Year that I needed to tackle the Everest that is the PS Alphabet. I still need 2 or 3 of these to start...I wanted to prepare a special modified layout, with custom edits, but I need them all first before I can even plan it. Complicated!
They do look nice there upon my Fig Tree table-topper, no?
If you recall my yearly ornament project, here is "dedictated to 2008" all finished. I once stitched this for an exchange, and here is another for me! Love this Mary Garry design.
I was SO SATISFIED when I successfully added this fox. A very talented professional illustrator friend of mine saw this image and enthusiastically told me he'd use it for a color palette. I concur!
I love the crest-like nature of that center vine medallion/birds-in-flight.
Right-hand terminal reached!!
When These came out, I flipped my sh*t! So edgy! So awesome!
I finally treated myself to those braided kelmscotts I'd been coveting since their launch. Also, did you know that this blog's name is a reference to an old French version of LRRH?
I stitched it with the recommended PS Lambswool, which I almost never do. I Just wanted This. Piece. On. My. Wall. Now. Look at that corner-turning wolf! I may have shared some of my heart's fox-loving space with wolves due to this series. <3 p="">
Perching on my stitching shelf; I have it all finished and most of Three Pigs, too. And a few smalls. But, finishing? Hah!
La bougie
Do you still remember I said I love them?
Thank you to everyone who has cared for me upon hearing of my troubles this past autumn and winter.
Things are better now, mostly. I'm sorry I wasn't able to let you know until now, and I think of you often and wish you are well. I do love my blogland friends.
Until Soon,